



MIRCO MARCHELLI – Tante belle cose

Pietrasanta,  04 June – 10 July 2022

Tante belle cose

04 june 2022 – 10 july 2022


Via Garibaldi 16,

Piazza G. Bruno 3,

55054 Pietrasanta, LU


Monday – Sunday

11:00 – 13:00 / 16:00 – 20:30

For information contact:

+39 0584 71799


MIRCO MARCHELLI – Tante belle cose
Inauguration on Saturday 4th July 2022 on the occasion of the 7th edition of the Collector’s night in Pietrasanta.


The exhibition “Tante belle cose”, in English, many wonderful things. The name has a well-wishing meaning, inspired by the typical piedmont greeting “d’antan” that does actually carry an innovative connotation. Its innovative character begins indeed with the choice of mediums. 

Having abandoned the old way we met the artist who at that time used to review and re-invent common use objects. The latest Marchelli’s works are made out of new materials. Gesso, white concrete, and canary seed become a new fresh page on which the artist inserts elements of colour and different shapes obtained by cutting other unusual materials. Thus, rubber, fabric, and shards, chosen for their chromatic harmony, become elements of a new language, colourful tiles of a contemporary and yet very personal mosaic.

The exhibition display is very peculiar too: some elements coming from the artist’s Studio, made always unique and special by his artistic touch, are placed in the gallery as sculptural elements. Pieces of the artist’s poetic world dialogue with the artworks on display.

More information on exhibition